The team at Spirit Gallery has been busy again finding you the best Eucalyptus didges Australia has to offer. Matt and Reno flew up to Darwin visiting several of our didge makers and choosing and sourcing some seriously good sticks.
We were also lucky enough to spend a day with Tristan O’Meara in the bush looking for didges giving us a whole new appreciation of how tough the work is – including the nasty sting of the green ant! (see photos below)
So stay tuned as we get some new handpicked didges from Earl Clements, Yidaki from Arnhem Land and our new affordable plain didgeridoo range.
YES, the only didge store to go that extra mile!! and you the customer benefits!
In other didgeridoo news, we are expecting in the next few weeks
• 15-25 new didges from Kristian Benton– Australia’s most recognised player, maker, artist combo.
• 15 new didges from CrookedStixz Didgeridoos.
• A whole bunch of new didges from Tristan O’Meara.
•10+ new didges from master craftsmen Bruce Rogers.
• Our new very affordable heavy duty oilskin didge bags in 6 different styles and sizes.
PLUS much more we can’t talk about at this stage!!! It will be a didgeridoo bonanza here at Spirit Gallery over the next few months.
Finally, If there is a special key, style, size of didge you have been looking for and can’t find it OR if you just want an AMAZING DIDGE (ie the best we have) let us know and join our “AWESOME DIDGE” waiting list.
Spirit Gallery has pretty much all the top active full time didge makers in the country represented under the one roof and hence the largest range of high quality Eucalyptus didgeridoos in the planet- by far!!
As soon as we find what we think is that special didge we will let you know and give you first opportunity. We already have a waiting list for several keys so let us know ASAP.
Happy didgin!!

Reno choosing the best players for Spirit Gallery

Huge Termite Mounds in the Top End

Searching for Didges with Tristan O'Meara

Success- A Didgeridoo is Born

Green Ants