Earl Clements Didgeridoos back at Spirit Gallery and New Yidaki Online

After a long wait we are pleased to announce the arrival of some new Earl Clements didgeridoos. Beautifully painted in the classic Western Arnhem Land style these didgeridoos will make a perfect addition to any collection. In the coming weeks we will also be receiving some new artworks on canvas from Earl.


A gorgeous bunch of new Arnhem Land Yidaki have also arrived including two special ceremonial large Djalu Gurruwiwi Yidaki. This is the finest group of Yidaki we have received in terms of playability and artwork. Check out our new Yidaki online.


In the coming weeks we will also be receiving new didgeridoos from Heartland Didgeridoos, CrookedStixz, Tristan Omeara, Trevor and Olivia Peckham and some Wix Stix Didgeridoos.


Over 200 didgeridoos online from Australia’s premier didgeridoo collection.


As always any questions, queries, feedback, requests feel free to drop us an e-mail at info@spiritgallery.com.au or call us on 61 (2) 92475961 and we will do our best to help you.



Spirit Gallery Team

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