Spirit Gallery Didgeridoo Update


The Spirit Gallery team has been busy sourcing the finest eucalyptus didgeridoos that Australia has to offer. We have completed another road trip with hundreds of didgeridoos from all over the country now at Spirit Gallery HQ and being uploaded to the website over the last few weeks with many more to come in the next few weeks.


In our travels we picked up didgeridoos from Jesse Lethbridge, Tynon from Heartland and Tristan Omeara. In fact, over 100 high end didgeridoos came back home with us- one of our most successful trips to date. In addition, we also picked up 100 of the ever popular iron bark didgeridoos and many smaller and full length natural finish and painted didgeridoos.


Over the last few weeks we have uploaded many of these didgeridoos to our website. In addition, we have also uploaded over 30 new traditional yidaki including some collaboration yidaki between Jesse Lethbridge, Zelda & Lena Gurruwiwi.


Over the next month we will also have even more new Jesss Lethbridge didgeridoos, Heartland Didgeridoos and Omeara Didgeridoos. Almost 150 didgeridoos now online. The biggest didgeridoo collection online – by far! A range of prices, styles and keys to suit players of all levels.


So, come and visit Australia’s largest and finest collection of didgeridoos and purchase your authentic eucalyptus termite hollowed didgeridoo either online or in store today!


As always, any questions, queries, feedback, requests feel free to drop us an e-mail at info@spiritgallery.com.au or call us on 61 (2) 92475961 and we will do our best to help you.


Many thanks

Spirit Gallery Team