We have just received a great bunch of didgeridoos from our newest maker Tristan O’Meara. Some real quality logs in there. Beautifully crafted with awesome power and resonance.
Tristan has been making didgeridoos for a number of years but has only recently turned his hand to full time crafting with an emphasis on high quality instruments. He has refined his technique and skill and it’s now paying off. This bunch of didges is the best we have seen from him, with some absolutely cracking instruments in there.
Tristan spends 9 months of the year making didges and working on his music, spending the Australian Winter in Europe as a touring musician, playing a variety of instruments including the didgeridoo combined with the weissonborn lap steel guitar, acoustic guitar, 6 string tenor ukulele, banjo, blues harmonica, native American flutes and of course his voice!!
He has released 3 official albums, two live albums and one studio album “southern breezes”.
All Tristan O’Meara didgeridoos will come with a copy of “southern breezes”
Want to know more about Tristan. Find him at-
In the meantime watch Tristan at one of his many performances and check him out making a didge!!