Tristan O'Meara Didgeridoo (TM170)


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Listen to this didgeridoo:
0:00 / 0:00
Maker:Tristan Omeara
Bottom End:11-13cm
Timber:Eucalyptus Woolybutt
Mouthpiece:Dark Beeswax

Sold to Dr Andreas Bleser from Kamp-Lintfort, Germany


Thanks Andreas!



Tristan has been playing and making didgeridoos for over 10 years now. What started as a hobby has turned into the manufacture and sale of instrument quality didgeridoos.

Being a touring musician who plays several instruments and having been frustrated in his own attempt to find music quality didgeridoos at the beginning of his didge journey, Tristan has now been focusing his attention on crafting didgeridoos where sound quality and workmanship is a priority.

Over the past ten years he has spent countless hours perfecting his techniques of crafting beautiful instruments through trial and error and trying new methods, ideas, shapes, weights and finishes until he reached the final high quality version of his didgeridoos which he is extremely proud to put his name and logo too.

Tristan also has an advantage in that he is also the person cutting the logs that he will craft his didgeridoos from. That is, he is involved in the process 100% from start to finish allowing him to choose exactly which shape and size timber he will use. Most of the timber Tristan uses is the Darwin Woolybutt Eucalyptus or Eucalyptus Miniata.

Each log is chosen carefully with sustainable practices in mind. Each didge has been chiseled, carved and tuned to its best playing ability. They are then finished on the exterior with several coats of a high quality polyurethane lacquer mix that is durable and sets rock hard for better protection against chips and scratches.

Tristan spends 9 months of the year making didges and working on his music, spending the Australian Winter in Europe as a touring musician, playing a variety of instruments combining the didgeridoo with the weissonborn lap steel guitar, acoustic guitar, 6 string tenor, ukulele, banjo, blues harmonica, native American flutes and of course his voice!

He has released 3 official albums, two live albums and one studio album “southern breezes”. All Tristan O’Meara didgeridoos will come with a copy of “southern breezes”





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"Dear Spirit Gallery, I loved my didgeridoo! Thank you so much for the incredible service and how ..."
-Calden from USA

"Hello Spirit Gallery representative, The item arrived today, and it is fantastic! Thanks so mu..."
-Kenny from QLD

" Hi to the Spirit Gallery team, Just wanted to say thank you for my beautiful ironbark didgeridoo..."
-David from NSW

"Dear Reno, I’ve been blessed by Santa Claus spirit and good energies, so my didjeridoo arrived ..."
-Matteo from Italy

" Hi to the Spirit Gallery team Just a quick thank you for my didgeridoo bag which arrived today. ..."
-David from NSW

"Hi Reno! All the didgeridoos arrived on Tuesday. I tried them and everything is great. I'm going to..."
-Allan from Estonia

"Both Didgeridoos are great. The small one is fun. The one from Jesse L. Took me a min to get used t..."
-Thomas from the USA

"Hey Reno. Didge arrived today. Didge is amazing and packing was absolutely excellent. Think ..."
-Mark fron the UK

"Ordered my didge on the Tuesday and it came 3 days later to Melbourne , Super quick! Sounds grea..."
-Brad from Melbourne

"I received the digeridoo today. It was delivered in perfect condition. Thank you,"
-Dickie Hunter

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