Alastair Black Didgeridoo (AW318)


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Listen to this didgeridoo:
0:00 / 0:00
Maker:Alastair Black
Bottom End:8cm
Timber:Eucalyptus Woolybutt

Sold to George from Nicosia, Cyprus


Thanks George!



Alastair Black was born in New Guinea and spent most of his childhood years in multi-culturally influenced environments, both in New Guinea and on a farming property near the Aboriginal reserve of Point Pearce, Australia.

When introduced to the didgeridoo it became a natural extension for Alastair and he has been playing and crafting ever since.

Alastair has had the honour of having had played for the Dalai Lama, has played alongside Rolf Harris and has performed at many festivals and events throughout Australia and the world. He has also been teaching the didgeridoo for many years.

Over the last number of years Alastair has been concentrating on producing quality instruments.

This more affordable range of plain didgeridoos has been specially selected by Alastair and exclusively supplied to Spirit Gallery. They are still crafted to his high standards, sealed internally and externally but without the artwork, fancy resins or polishes or darker more attractive rarer wood grains which would add cost to the instrument- in its place sound quality and playability have been optimised.

They represent great value for money considering how well they play and allow people to buy a music quality didgeridoo at an affordable price rather than ending up with a souvenir style didge or pretty hand painted didgeridoo with poor sound quality and acoustics.

Most didgeridoos in the Australian market are what we call " non-musical" quality - regardless of their authenticity. They are often over-priced and can still often cost hundreds of dollars because of their artwork or visual appeal and are often sold to unsuspecting international visitors.

This range from Alastair allows serious instrument stores like ours to compete with the mass produced stuff on a price level while providing far superior sound quality !!!


 Check out our friend Shibaten using one of these didgeridoos when he did a duo with William Barton.




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"Both Didgeridoos are great. The small one is fun. The one from Jesse L. Took me a min to get used t..."
-Thomas from the USA

"Hi! Thank you for your quick response. I'm fascinated by Didjeribone. This is so good!"
-Naoki from Japan

"Hey Reno. Didge arrived today. Didge is amazing and packing was absolutely excellent. Think ..."
-Mark fron the UK

"Dear Spirit Gallery, I loved my didgeridoo! Thank you so much for the incredible service and how ..."
-Calden from USA

"Dear Reno, I’ve been blessed by Santa Claus spirit and good energies, so my didjeridoo arrived ..."
-Matteo from Italy

"Ordered my didge on the Tuesday and it came 3 days later to Melbourne , Super quick! Sounds grea..."
-Brad from Melbourne

"AMAZING service. The didgeridoo was awesome, and it arrived on my doorstep (in New Zealand) the VERY..."
-Johnny Thurlow

"Hello Spirit Gallery representative, The item arrived today, and it is fantastic! Thanks so mu..."
-Kenny from QLD

" Hi to the Spirit Gallery team, Just wanted to say thank you for my beautiful ironbark didgeridoo..."
-David from NSW

"You will do you a big favour to buy your Didgeridoo and other souvenir in this shop. We’ve been tr..."
-Christian Bruetsch

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